Timing a Powerpoint Presentation




I need to create a 40 slide presentation that will automatically
progress from slide to slide over a period of 4 minutes. Can someone
tell me how I can arrange this timing after placing the images onto
each slide?

One further question: My presentation will eventually be launched from
a PC so I wondered how I needed to save the file and will I need to
include all the images with the file or are the images embedded within
the presentation?

Thanks very much in advance.


TAJ Simmons


A quick sum....

4 minutes = 60 seconds x 4
= 240 seconds

40 slides divided by 240 seconds = 6 seconds per slide.

After you have "inserted > picture > from file" in powerpoint for each
picture on each slide. You then need to "view > Slide sorter".

To arrange the timing
Edit > Select All (to select all 40 slides)
Slideshow menu >Slide Transition
Untick "advance on mouse click"
Tick "automatically after x seconds"
Enter 6 seconds on the "seconds" box.
Apply a transition effect...(e.g. wipe right) if you think it's appropriate
Click "apply to all"

When you insert "insert picture from file".....if you see the option "link
to file" on your mac...don't tick it. Then all the pictures will be within
the powerpoint file and not linked. This is generally a good thing.

TAJ Simmons
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