Timing Problem on CD.



I've been using PowerPoint for a while now, but I'm relatively new to the
level of complexity I'm using on this new project and I've run into a problem
for which I haven't yet figured out a solution.

I have 35 slides in my presentation. Each slide has sound and custom
animation. The entire presentation runs fine. It looks and sounds great and
all timing is perfect.

I've packaged it to CD, but saved it to a folder. When I play it from the
folder using pptview.exe, my presentation looks and sounds exactly like I
created it. When I burn the packaged presentation to a CD, however, I run
into a problem.

When I run the presentation from the CD, my sound files are getting cut
abruptly off at the end of each slide. As though the transition is occuring
a few seconds before it's supposed to.

Running it from folder is fine, running from CD has this problem. In each
case, I'm running it from the same computer and it's consistent.

I've tried increasing the time for the slide transition, but it doesn't seem
to resolve the problem. Anyone see anything like this before and have a
solution? Thankx.

Tried increasing slide transition time, but that doesn't seem to help


No, I didn't, since the timing was perfect in PowerPoint as well as in the
viewer when run from a hard drive folder. Would "Rehearse Timing" affect the
CD and not the hard drive?

Echo S said:
Did you happen to use "rehearse timings" to set the transition time

Echo [MS PPT MVP] http://www.echosvoice.com
What's new in PPT 2007? http://www.echosvoice.com/2007.htm
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/powerpointannoy/

TimWillDoIt said:
I've been using PowerPoint for a while now, but I'm relatively new to the
level of complexity I'm using on this new project and I've run into a
for which I haven't yet figured out a solution.

I have 35 slides in my presentation. Each slide has sound and custom
animation. The entire presentation runs fine. It looks and sounds great
all timing is perfect.

I've packaged it to CD, but saved it to a folder. When I play it from the
folder using pptview.exe, my presentation looks and sounds exactly like I
created it. When I burn the packaged presentation to a CD, however, I run
into a problem.

When I run the presentation from the CD, my sound files are getting cut
abruptly off at the end of each slide. As though the transition is
a few seconds before it's supposed to.

Running it from folder is fine, running from CD has this problem. In each
case, I'm running it from the same computer and it's consistent.

I've tried increasing the time for the slide transition, but it doesn't
to resolve the problem. Anyone see anything like this before and have a
solution? Thankx.

Tried increasing slide transition time, but that doesn't seem to help

Echo S

Well, rehearse timings has been known to cut off narrations, but I believe
it's because both the narration and the rehearse timings are trying to set
the transition time, and they often conflict. :)

However, synchronization and timing are simply not PPT's strong suits in
general. Cutting off the sounds is rather extreme, though, even when playing
off the CD.
http://www.soniacoleman.com/Tutorials/PowerPoint/synchronizing.htm might
give you some ideas.

How did you insert the sound?

Echo [MS PPT MVP] http://www.echosvoice.com
What's new in PPT 2007? http://www.echosvoice.com/2007.htm
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/powerpointannoy/

TimWillDoIt said:
No, I didn't, since the timing was perfect in PowerPoint as well as in the
viewer when run from a hard drive folder. Would "Rehearse Timing" affect
CD and not the hard drive?

Echo S said:
Did you happen to use "rehearse timings" to set the transition time

Echo [MS PPT MVP] http://www.echosvoice.com
What's new in PPT 2007? http://www.echosvoice.com/2007.htm
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances

TimWillDoIt said:
I've been using PowerPoint for a while now, but I'm relatively new to
level of complexity I'm using on this new project and I've run into a
for which I haven't yet figured out a solution.

I have 35 slides in my presentation. Each slide has sound and custom
animation. The entire presentation runs fine. It looks and sounds
all timing is perfect.

I've packaged it to CD, but saved it to a folder. When I play it from
folder using pptview.exe, my presentation looks and sounds exactly like
created it. When I burn the packaged presentation to a CD, however, I
into a problem.

When I run the presentation from the CD, my sound files are getting cut
abruptly off at the end of each slide. As though the transition is
a few seconds before it's supposed to.

Running it from folder is fine, running from CD has this problem. In
case, I'm running it from the same computer and it's consistent.

I've tried increasing the time for the slide transition, but it doesn't
to resolve the problem. Anyone see anything like this before and have
solution? Thankx.

Tried increasing slide transition time, but that doesn't seem to help

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