Tips on Getting Started



Hi Everyone,

I have developed databases before, but the one I'm working on is such that I
am having a hard time getting started. Here's the basics:

I receive material requisitions from field personnel requesting various
types and numbers of materials.
Each requisition contains the item description, the unit of measure and the
quantity required.
I have to input each item being requested, formulate a request for quote and
solicit quotes from my vendors.
I need to keep track of each item, the quotes of each vendor, how many and
when they were ordered, how many and when each were received.

I really just don't know how to set up the tables to take each item
requested through the phases:
Purchase Order
(Possibly Later adding Inventory control)

I don't have an item list to work from, each item will have to be entered
each time, so I probably wont be able to work from a static item list. If I
do, it will have to be dynamic and let me input new items at any time...

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.




Wow! That's a significant development effort. How experienced in Access (and
database design) are you? Because even for me (and I have 30+ years in DB
design and application development) what you want to do would take at least a
few weeks to put together.



I know the task sounds daunting. I do have some experience building
databases, but not full time and only a few, mid range complexity DBs. Right
now I am using a spreadsheet to track all of this, which is very klunky and
time consuming. I was hoping to save myself some time. However, if someone
with your level of experience is expressing dismay over developing such a DB,
maybe I should stick with my spreadsheet.

Keith Wilby

TTE Tom said:

I know the task sounds daunting.

I'm not so sure it is. If you have the data on a spreadsheet then part of
the work is already done. Try importing the spreadsheet into one table and
then viewing it through a form. It might help you to identify redundant
data and normalise it accordingly.

Worth a try.



It's not the table creation that I was expressing dismay at; rather, it's the
forms and coding that will be necessary to PROPERLY complete the project. The
tables are easy. I could pound those out in a few hours.


TTE said:
Hi Everyone,

I have developed databases before, but the one I'm working on is such that I
am having a hard time getting started. Here's the basics:

I receive material requisitions from field personnel requesting various
types and numbers of materials.
Each requisition contains the item description, the unit of measure and the
quantity required.
I have to input each item being requested, formulate a request for quote and
solicit quotes from my vendors.
I need to keep track of each item, the quotes of each vendor, how many and
when they were ordered, how many and when each were received.

I really just don't know how to set up the tables to take each item
requested through the phases:
Purchase Order
(Possibly Later adding Inventory control)

I don't have an item list to work from, each item will have to be entered
each time, so I probably wont be able to work from a static item list. If I
do, it will have to be dynamic and let me input new items at any time...

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


I would classify this a reinventing the wheel. OK if you just want to
learn Access but probably a waste of time and resources if you just need
something that works. There a MANY off the shelf products out there
designed to meets your needs. While they may sound expensive, the time,
effort, and having a complete solution immediately usually out weigh the
expense. Do some checking in the trade magazines related to your
business and you should find a number of solutions.


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