Title & Date "data" Bar



I'm annoyed that I have to scroll the Title Bar to the right see the Date on
any OneNote page. I don't recall doing this when I first installed, so,
perhaps, I changed a parameter. Yet, I cannot find anything in Help. So,
I'm hoping that someone has knowledge and can help me.

I reset everything to DEFAULT, but that did not fix it. I'm not talking
about a date that one enters into a page, but the one that is generated
automatically when one starts a new page. It appears on my LCD display, a
17"-wide Gateway Convertible, off the screen to the right. I scroll bar to
the right to see it, then I can't see the Title Field or Bar, because it has
slipped off to the left. It's maddening that one cannot drag the title and
date fields together, so that they can both be seen on screen at the same

How can I get BOTH Title and Date to appear together?

Thank you.

Domenic Corsaro
Philadelphia, PA

Rainald Taesler

This is really starnge ...
Which version of ON are you using, 2003 or 2007 ??


Domenic shared these words of wisdom:


Yes, View/Page Header is correct. That's where it is. I can turn it off,
and turn it back on, but that doesn't fix it. I believe you thought I should
exit OneNote and/or exit and reboot the computer THEN turn it back on. Am I


I'm using Office OneNote 2003. It came with the Gateway Convertible/Tablet
PC and I then purchased Microsoft Office 2003 after the 60-day trial period.
I'll bet it got screwed up at that time.

Chris Pratley (MS)

maybe you have your View/Zoom setting higher than 100%? (that can happen if
you hold down control when using your scroll wheel)


Kathy Jacobs

I bet that it got lost when you rotated the screen. If you typed on a page
in wider than long mode, I have seen this happen. The only thing is, I can't
remember what I did to get it back to the right spot!

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at www.onppt.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Rainald Taesler

Domenic shared these words of wisdom:
You figured it out. I clicked on the Title/Date-Time bar and saw
that I'd set it to 156%, clearly a deliberate act, one I'd
forgotten. At 100% both Title and Date-Time fields display
simultaneously, one aligned left, the other, right. Thank you for
taking the time to help.

Great to hear that you could solve the problem.
Thanks fro the follow-up.

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