Title sometimes wraps for no apparent reason


Michael Moser

I occasionally have the case that when I enter a page's title that the line
wraps for no apparent reason. E.g. I just entered a title consisting of
three words and the title got wrapped after the second word even though
there was plenty of space left, i.e. the *entire* title would maybe take a
bit were than half the page's width and thus easily fit onto the page.

And I found no way to convince ON to later concatenate the two lines into
one or continue on the same line. Even if I delete the second line and
rewrite the text it will wrap again at the same position :-(

Can one fix this? It's minor but one of those things this gets annoying
after a while...


Erik Sojka

That shouldn't happen normally. Hm.

Are you typing initially or pasting text into the Title? What is the font
size for the header when you first start to enter the text? DOes that
seemingly arbitrary CR/LF where it wraps the test move or change if you
select-all and lower the font size?

What is the page size (as shown in File | Page Setup | Paper Size)? Is it
"Auto" or a specific value?

Does it happen with other pages/sections or just in one particular

Rainald Taesler

Michael said:
I occasionally have the case that when I enter a page's title that
the line wraps for no apparent reason. E.g. I just entered a title
consisting of three words and the title got wrapped after the
second word even though there was plenty of space left, i.e. the
*entire* title would maybe take a bit were than half the page's
width and thus easily fit onto the page.

This only happened to me a few rimmes and IIRC inly when pasting
something into the title.
And I found no way to convince ON to later concatenate the two
lines into one or continue on the same line. Even if I delete the
second line and rewrite the text it will wrap again at the same
position :-(

Deleting the whole text an re-typing it did help on the few incidents.


Michael Moser

Erik said:
That shouldn't happen normally. Hm.

Well - it happens to quite regularly. At least often enough to become
Are you typing initially or pasting text into the Title?

What is the font size for the header when you first start to enter the

Calibri 17
DOes that seemingly arbitrary CR/LF where it wraps the test move or
change if you select-all and lower the font size?

Nope. The box-width remains the same, but it takes more or less lines
(i.e. the height adapts) depending on the font size.
What is the page size (as shown in File | Page Setup | Paper Size)?
Is it "Auto" or a specific value?

Does it happen with other pages/sections or just in one particular

It happens on misc. sectiosn and pages and seemingly completely at
random. The only way to fix it that I found so far, was to begin a new
page and copy the old content over and delete the previous page,
something that IMHO should simply never be necessary. Why does the
Title-box not simply allow to grab its edges, so one can tear it wider
(as do all other text boxes)? Then one would not even spend a second
thought, if that happens again...



I have the issue (inexplicable wordwrap) in some elaborate templates for
meeting agendae/minutes, diagnosed by fooling around. There are several ways
to cause the problem, the following is easiest to replicate the issue:

If a table precedes a non-tabular section of freeform text or
numbered/bulleted list, and the latter section is "dragged" up by its handle
in swallows the table like an amoeba... not apparent unless "/tables/show
borders" selected. Thereafter, odd wordwrap behavior (roughly at the
half-page mark, unrelated to preceding table cell borders) ensues; though the
tabular style is not inflicted upon the freeform section. The embedded
wordwrap property is indiscernible apart from screen/print visuals - copy &
paste into MSWord for example shows no CR/LF; copy/paste into a new 1N7 page
recovers correct format.

Hard to explain: "ownership of an embedded table causes a wordwrap artifact
in freeform parent sections", perhaps that's clearer.

Prevention: Give 1N7 the space it craves between elements.

Cure: unless you catch it at an undo-able stage, you're looking at
cut/paste elements to a new page.


Michael Moser

Erik said:
That shouldn't happen normally. Hm.

This stupid behavior is beginning to *really* annoy me! It now happens on
every second page that I create. Is there *any* means to control or change
this? Like redefining or resetting some template? What could possibly be the
reason that this stupid program wraps the title after two short words

BTW: when can we expect some update or fixpack? IMHO people have reported
enough problems and bugs (let alone feature requests) to justify a new


Rainald Taesler

Michael said:
BTW: when can we expect some update or fixpack? IMHO people have
reported enough problems and bugs (let alone feature requests) to
justify a new version.

AFAICS there will not be any SPs or fixes/patches.

We just have wait for Office 14.


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