TMP File Created in Addition to Document Saved



I have a user with a new computer running XP o/s and
Office 2000 SP3.

Her default file location for Excel is on the network
(Novell)to her personal home directory.

After modifying a workbook and then saving, an additional
file is getting created with how the workbook looked
before the modification.

The additional file getting saved uses the same name but
then adds ~*****.tmp (not actually **** but what appears
to be random alph/numeric characters...example rf1c7a38).

This never used to be the case on her prior system (95
with Office 2000 SR1). She has full rights on her home
directory on the network. This is NOT an issue with our
other network systems.

Why is this happening and how can I turn it off?

When she initiates a file open, these files are visible
even though they have a .tmp extension and file of type is
Excel workbook.

Mike A

When Excel saves a file, it actually saves it under a different name,
closes the current file, copies the saved (temporary) file to the
original file name, and re-opens the file. (ever wonder why it
sometimes takes a long time to save a workbook?) If the file cannot
be re-opened, you usually get an error message saying not enough
memory to re-open file, close excel and re-open the file, blah blah...
This will cause the temporary files to remain in the directory you are
working from.

I have found one cause of this problem is network errors and timeouts.
It could be related to server traffic, a bad network card, driver
settings, a bad cable, a router or switch, a wireless bridge, etc.

Have fun finding this one!!

I spent three hours searching and finally found that a switch had a
bad plug; the resulting errors were producing as many as 250 re-sends
per packet for one machine. Plugging the network cable into another
connector (on the same switch) solved the problem.

This caused the problem you described, but only with Excel. All other
applications just had really long save and load times.

A quick fix, if all you want to do is remove the .tmp files, would be
to set up a scheduled task on the computer to go into the user's
Novell directory every night (or hour, whatever) and delete /q *.tmp
Mike Argy
Custom Office Solutions
and Windows/UNIX applications

Please post on-topic responses to the newsgroup

To e-mail me, remove nospam from the address in the headers

Dave Peterson

I don't think it does exactly that when you save a file.

It saves as a new name (funny 8 character name--no extension).
If all goes well, it deletes the original
(or renames it to .wbk if you have that option enabled)

If all goes well, here, then it renames the funny name to the original's name.

But I've never seen xl97, 2k or 2002 make .tmp files during this process.

Dave Peterson

I don't think that excel actually reopens the workbook--or at least I've never
seen it try to (or need to).

But I don't think that we've helped the OP (well, I know I haven't <bg>). I've
never seen files created with the .TMP extension when using excel (well, unless
I did it manually or a macro did it for me).

But I've seen posts from people who say they they get them (pretty rare,
though). I've seen guesses (antivirus program seems reasonable to me), but I've
never seen a confirmation that I can recall.


Should these files be saved in windows temp folder automaticly?
My system has been doing just fine until Friday! Now the .tmp files are
saved in "My Documents", How do I change it ?


----- Mike A wrote: ----

When Excel saves a file, it actually saves it under a different name
closes the current file, copies the saved (temporary) file to th
original file name, and re-opens the file. (ever wonder why i
sometimes takes a long time to save a workbook?) If the file canno
be re-opened, you usually get an error message saying not enoug
memory to re-open file, close excel and re-open the file, blah blah..
This will cause the temporary files to remain in the directory you ar
working from.

I have found one cause of this problem is network errors and timeouts
It could be related to server traffic, a bad network card, drive
settings, a bad cable, a router or switch, a wireless bridge, etc

Have fun finding this one!!

I spent three hours searching and finally found that a switch had
bad plug; the resulting errors were producing as many as 250 re-send
per packet for one machine. Plugging the network cable into anothe
connector (on the same switch) solved the problem

This caused the problem you described, but only with Excel. All othe
applications just had really long save and load times.

A quick fix, if all you want to do is remove the .tmp files, would b
to set up a scheduled task on the computer to go into the user'
Novell directory every night (or hour, whatever) and delete /q *.tm
Mike Arg
Custom Office Solution
and Windows/UNIX application

Please post on-topic responses to the newsgroup

To e-mail me, remove nospam from the address in the header


Just a thought - we had some synchronization software running every
minutes checking for changes on a directory - this caused both AA00
type files and ~tmp ~xxx.tmp files to pop up when people were using a
excel file

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