To add a chat room to your web site


nasser jamal

If I want to add a chat room to my web site (front page), can it be done from
front page? if not what do I other programs do I need?

David Berry

No with just FrontPage. You would have to do a search for third party Chat
Room applications that you could incorporate into your web site.

Andrew Murray

FP includes a discussion web feature.

Otherwise you'll need to scour the web for a suitable script.

Funkadyleik Spynwhanker

If the server is IIS, you can use a crude chat room with ASP, just import
the files into a folder and configure them.

It's crude and clunky, but it works and only takes an hour or two of messing
around with to understand.

' PortaChat 1.4
' Author: Peter Brunone
' Release Date: March 2, 2002

Use the above to find it in Google. There might be a new version....

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