To automatically give fiscal period/fiscal year



I need to put the current fiscal period and year into a cell. Our fiscal
year starts in October, which is period 1, November is period 2, through
to September which is period 12. As the fiscal year runs October -
September, it is named after the year it mostly falls in, so for
instance Dec 2005 is 3/2006 (period/fiscal year).

Is there a way to automatically put the period and year in a cell (it
is normally written in the form period/fiscal year - but this is not
essential), by adapting the =TODAY() function or otherwise.


Bob Phillips



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Thanks it works just as I had hoped.

Could you explain how the formula gives the year as I requested, as I
cannot figure out why it does not just give the same year that is in
cell A15?

Bob Phillips

Because I add 3 months to it, when I do MONTH(A15)+3, so that Oct 2005
becomes Jan 2006 in the formula that is formatted.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)


Thanks. I now have the current fiscal period and fiscal year in a cell
in the above form (period/fiscal year). I also have a cell with
indicates when the speadsheet was last updated in terms of
period/fiscal year (i.e. the same format). How can I get a cell to say
"Please update" if the spreadsheet has not been updated for six months.

Bob Phillips

C10,FIND("/",C10)-1),1),"Please update","")

just change the cells to your two.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Roger Govier


Using Bob's idea, you could make life a little simpler.
Custom format your cells Format>Cells>Number>Custom> m/yyyy
Then to fix the month 3 months on, use Bob's formula without the Text()

which then simplifies the next formula to
=IF(MONTH(D10)-MONTH(C10)>6,"Please Update","")


Roger Govier

"Turnipboy" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

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