To Brian McCaffery



I sifted thru all the files but could not find the solution for my question.
Put simply, it is as this:
I have three styles: Bullet1, Bullet2, Bullet3 all based on No Style. The
difference is in indents of .25, .5 and .75. The problem is that I don't want
continuous numbering. If I apply Bullet1 to some paras, then say 6-7 pages
later again I use it, Word continues the numbering. If I right-click and
choose Renumbering, it increases the left indent to .21 (which was 0
earlier), the bullet indent of .25 remains as it is. Even the indentation of
the earlier usage of Bullet1 changes automatically. I am using the same .dot
for all files, I have to literally create hundreds of styles Bully, Bullo,
Bullt just for one instance. Why Word insists on continuous numbering is
baffling me. Please explain (I don't mind going thru another link or document)


First, I assume we are talking about numbered lists, not bullets.

When you select Modify style, in the first window, is Automatically Update
checked? If so, uncheck the box.

In Tools\Options\Edit tab, make sure that the option Keep Track of
Formatting is also unchecked.

Are you using Numbered or Outline Numbered selection in the style settings
for numbering?


Yes I am talking about numbered lists. The Automatically Update button I
don't remember because in earlier versions (prior to xp) I never encountered
such a situation, especially not in 97. Now I will definitely uncheck. The
keep track option in Tools,Options was new to me, now I will uncheck. After
reading the links suggested, I will post back with your name in the subject,
so as to be sure of a reply & help. Thanks

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