To Cindy



Maybe you won't find posts about this elsewhere, but you should know your
crusade to get Outlook Express posters off this particular news group maybe
works other days but doesn't work today beecause there is no Outlook Express
newsgroup on the server and the URL you're providing is
useless. There must be something wrong with the system, because one of the
posters said here that a "Welcome Aboard" letter from Microsoft pointed him
to the now non-exsistant Outlook Express news group. If I could have found
an Outlook Express news group in the last two hours of searching, I would
have done it. How about if you try doing it and post the exact URL here?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Hi, I'm not Cindy, but I frequently redirect OE posters to the appropriate
groups. The way to get the
help in newsgroups is to follow some simple rules of netiquette, which
include posting to the most relevant forum.

There are many groups for OE on the server, actually - for OE 5.x for OE 5.5x for OE 6.x
microsoft.public.internet.outlookexpress.mac for OE for Macintosh

If you're using the web interface, you may want to consider using a
newsreader like Outlook Express or Forte Agent instead - it's a lot easier
to do nearly everything there, including searching, which is always a good
idea to do before you post, as well as finding replies to your posts. The
Microsoft public news server is and you can subscribe
to as many groups as you like.

A good website for information on OE is:

Conrad Pfleging

Search? I don't want to do any work. I want you to do it for me.
"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"


Bahb said:
Maybe you won't find posts about this elsewhere, but you should know
your crusade to get Outlook Express posters off this particular news
group maybe works other days but doesn't work today beecause there is
no Outlook Express newsgroup on the server and
the URL you're providing is useless. There must be something wrong
with the system, because one of the posters said here that a "Welcome
Aboard" letter from Microsoft pointed him to the now non-exsistant
Outlook Express news group. If I could have found an Outlook Express
news group in the last two hours of searching, I would have done it.
How about if you try doing it and post the exact URL here?

Just because the appropriate newsgroup is off the air doesn't mean you
should post in an unrelated newsgroup. Would you post in a movies
newsgroup if you had problems with your car? How do YOU know the link
wasn't valid at the time when the respondent included it in THEIR post?
How do YOU know that the problem isn't on your end and that the
particular newsgroup was unavailable in YOUR news server but worked fine
for the news server that the respondent used?

Usually I don't even bother providing links (so folks like you cannot
claim they are unusable instead of mustering up a bit more effort to do
the work themself). I just tell them to search the newsgroups for a
more appropriate newsgroup regarding their topic, and perhaps suggest
only some search criteria to help them find the appropriate newsgroup,
and I might even suggest they use a different news server, like, instead of their own news server which may not carry
the same newsgroup. No links, just a hint where to go, hope you find
it, and do some [more] work yourself. I'll hand them the toilet paper
and that's as far as I'll go.

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