to des from gloria


odette albornoz

Hi Des this is Gloria from work at centa care
How have you being for the last 4 months?
where are you working now?
I miss you a lot
When I have to go upstaires to photo copy or to fax something
I miss talking to you while I wait and I also miss working with you
especially doing the papers
I really need to know if you are coming back or not ?
I also have lots of pictures to show you and to give you as well.
This is buy from me for know.
My E-mail address is
(e-mail address removed)
if you have another e-mail address can you please give it to me thankyou.

Larry Linson

Madam, this newsgroup is dedicated to the discussion of and questions and
answers about Microsoft Access database software. Although its title can be
misleading, it is not "access to the Internet", nor e-mail, nor a chat-room,
nor a social network. Even if "Des" is a regular reader here, this is not
the venue for chatting, or re-connecting with old friends.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

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