to do bar not showing appointments


Diane Poremsky

right click on the title area - is appointments checked? if so, check
options... is it set for more than 1?


I'm having the same problem. They used to show up, but they don't any more.
The Appointments box is checked, and I've tried it with different options of
numbers of appointments to show. It just always says "No upcoming

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

When is the next timed appointment? All day events don't show and the
calendar is not scanned out months in advance. If you double click on
tomorrow in the navigation calendar and make an appointment for 10 am, do
you see it?

do you have more than one pst in your profile? If so, is the one that
contains your appointments set as the delivery location?

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **


Thank you so much! That has been driving me crazy! The problem is my
"appointments" are either birthdays, etc., so they are all-day events, or I
don't bother to put a time in. Now I know how to fix it. Thanks!!!


I am having the same problem using Outlook2007 with WindowsXP Pro SP3. All my
Calendar appointments have specific times and Appointments are set for 3. I
have gone through every menu and submenu and even checked Microsoft's own
Knowledge Base for the To Do Bar.
Still, the appointments dates are not highlighted and there are no upcoming
appointments showing, even though Outlook does send me reminders.
Please help.


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

try resetting the view - start menu, run, type
outlook.exe /cleanviews


The solution solved one of the problems--now the task list shows the upcoming
events I moved from scheduled appointments to Tasks.
However, the calendar still doesn't doesn't list appointments as such, nor
does it highlight the dates concerned with boldface type.

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