to find out time



Please help to write a macors

totalworkinghrs = 8.00
latehrs = .10
The effective hrs should be = 7.50

Please anybody can give me a solution

With thanks

Jim Thomlinson

Your question does not make sense. The total working hours is 8.0 The late
hours is 0.1

0.1 hours is either 0.1 * 60min = 6min
or it is 10 minutes.

In either case the math does not add up to 7.5 hours. What is your logic?

Jim Thomlinson

What you are asking for will end up giving you more problems than it it
worth. You should be entering things as actual times. Doing that XL will be
ablle to add and subtract times with ease. What you are asking for is going
to result in a lot of formulas/macros that are extremely complex to manage. I
highly recommend that you re-engineer your solution around using actual time

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