John: You mentioned validation rule violations. In your
snippet to me related to Appending. I have followed you
intructions and now have key and conversion violations.
How to I get around these? Please, help!
You could also write your query to eliminate the
duplicates. AIR SQL (untested) follows
INSERT INTO WorkingTable
WorkingTable As W Right Join TempTable as T
ON W.Plant = T.Plant
AND W.CurYear = T.CurYear
AND W.CurMonth = T.CurMonth
AND W.[Time] = T.[Time]
WHERE W.Plant Is Null
To create a multiple field unique index
--Open up the WorkingTable in design mode
--Select View: Index from the menu
--Enter Name for Index in first blank cell under Index Name
--Select one field in the index under Field Name
--Set Unique to Yes
--Move down one line and select the next FieldName
--Continue moving down and selecting fieldnames until all
needed are included.
--Close the index window and close and save the table
Now use your existing Append query. You will get a
message saying that a number
of records couldn't be added due to validation rule
snippet to me related to Appending. I have followed you
intructions and now have key and conversion violations.
How to I get around these? Please, help!
You could also write your query to eliminate the
duplicates. AIR SQL (untested) follows
INSERT INTO WorkingTable
WorkingTable As W Right Join TempTable as T
ON W.Plant = T.Plant
AND W.CurYear = T.CurYear
AND W.CurMonth = T.CurMonth
AND W.[Time] = T.[Time]
WHERE W.Plant Is Null
To create a multiple field unique index
--Open up the WorkingTable in design mode
--Select View: Index from the menu
--Enter Name for Index in first blank cell under Index Name
--Select one field in the index under Field Name
--Set Unique to Yes
--Move down one line and select the next FieldName
--Continue moving down and selecting fieldnames until all
needed are included.
--Close the index window and close and save the table
Now use your existing Append query. You will get a
message saying that a number
of records couldn't be added due to validation rule