To know about Certification of EPM and EPM Books


basim alvi


I want to know about the EPM Certification how many papers need to pass for
certification of EPM .
and which one and how many books I need to study for certification.
and what is the fees of the paper.
and what are the tips of passing the certification of EPM.
Please Guide me with full detail.


Basim Alvi


Basim -

I will say this as gently as I can. You seem to spend a lot of time
asking other people to do your work for you. You can find this
information at It took me less than 3 minutes to find
it at

I strongly suggest that, if you haven't already done so, you download
and study this set of learning documents from Microsoft:
- they are free.

I also suggest that order these books right away: - The Admin book and the PM book.
The vast majority of the questions you ask are in those two books.
They may be in the Microsoft books too, but not as easy to find. These
are not free but are well worth the price.

And bookmark this link: Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Mark S. Everett | PMP

PS - Please feel free to flame me for my opening comment.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


You can find links to this information on the Project home page:

There are now two tests, one for the technical side, which is an mcse+
exam, and now a new course and test for the EPM business analyst role. The
education you're getting on the job will prove much more valuable to you
than the classroom training offered to support the exams. If you start with
our Administrator book, and then work through all the technical
documentation available on, you'll ace the test.

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