To "Liz" and "klf77"



Pictures, photos, etc. are easiest to work with once you
change the "Wrapping Style", as follows:

1) Insert the picture (or photo or graphic).
2) Double-click on the picture ... the "Format Picture"
window should appear. If not, then right-click on the
picture, and click on "Format Picture".
3) Click on the "Layout" tab.
4) Under "Wrapping Styles", click on the box labeled "In
front of text"
5) Click "OK"

You should now be able to move your picture(s) around
anywhere you like. Also, if you then want to overlap
pictures and want certain ones on top or below, right-
click on a picture, move your arrow to "Order", and click
on the position you want (in front, in back, etc.).

Good Luck!

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