to Milly Staples (MVP) Eudora 5x, 6x and 7x Import Filters



Here is the original post with Microsoft reply:

It is not Microsoft's problem.

Why can't Eudora????

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Milly...This is the reply from Qualcomm (Eudora)

It sounds as if there is something inside of the Outlook importer that is
changing those messages to raw HTML. This is something that you would have to
speak to Microsoft about as it is their importer that is changed the format.

If this does not resolve your issue, please let me know. If you need
immediate assistance you can call technical support directly 8am-5pm Pacific
Standard Time.

Senior Technical Support Specialist
Eudora Technical Services

Guess my only option was to uninstall Outlook and not look back. I am not
going to get in the middle of a finger pointing session between MS and
Qualcom. I am just going to stick with Eudora...and Office 2003

Thanks anyway...

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Bobmitmen asked:

| I understand that Eudora inproperly handles html...but why is it not
| possible for Microsoft to create an import filter that removes all
| the tags from e mails. Frankly, I used Eudora from version 3, years
| ago, and have hundreds if not thousands of saved e mails from years
| past that I cannot import into matter what version.
| Then I am told to purchase a $50 program to remove the tags and clean
| up the saved mail...for what you pay for MS Office....why can't
| Microsoft help us here????
| Any thoughts...
| Thanks
| Bob

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