To PJ and the gang



I have read with great interest the success story told by PJ. It reassured me
that somehow I could use ON. I like to enter tidbits of information, keep a
diary and put comments on some books I have read. What is the best way to do
this? ON offers full pages of space contrary to Evernote that uses
categorization. I need a spell checker as I send some notes through the
email. So Evernote is out for me. Please let me hear how you can create a
diary and enter some snippets of info.


Chris H.

Claude, have you seen the tips and tricks video on OneNote? You'll be
amazed at what you haven't realized OneNote can do. It is about 45 minutes
in length, available for download or streaming (high and low bandwidth
versions) here:
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


I have watched it twice now a learned something new every time.
But i haven't figured out how to do a diary effectively yet.



This training video is absolutely great! I watched it twice and learned a
lot. I found out that to record snippets of info simply use Side Note. Let
say, Karel, that you just learned your best friend won a big lottery prize.
You immediately open Side Note via the tray and note: "Just found out so and
so just won the Italian sweepstake". I know this is a corny example but
that's the best way, I think, to keep a diary in ON.



Chris H.

Awesome, Claude. Glad you liked it. I wish more Microsoft products - even
regular ones like Outlook Express - had that type of information available.
Many people don't know how easy to use OE is, and how good it is for
newsgroups. I noted you're posting through the web-based interface, when
you could have full access to all Microsoft's newsgroups by setting up a
News account in OE for the news server. It is free, no
logon, no password.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


To respond to some points mentioned:

A Diary. A use ON for my daily Journal. Basically I have some
stationary set up with headings for a week, e.g. date, time, etc. I
then fill in the days on a Monday morning and then just add entries as
I go through the week. I've found it invaluable for going back in time
to remember events, decisions etc. ON is probably not the greatest
Journal/Diary writer but it's enough.

As for the online tutorials. There are excellent. Very very useful. I'd
like to see some of them for other products. (Quick Side Note, to
remember to look at some point :) )

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