To remove the dependency



I have to remove the dependency between 2 tables.

I am having condition like this.(I have taken emp,dept
tables as examples.)
select empno, dept.desc from emp ,dept where emp.deptno
= dept.deptno.
My requirement is i have to remove the dependency
(emp.deptno = dept.deptno)

Here in emp table the deptno may be null.That time also i
have to select the records from emp table
I have used left outer join.Because of the other inner
joins ,I am getting error message like 'Join Expression
not supported'.I am joing 10 tables.I have used group by,
it is not giving expected result.
I have used union.One query with usual condtion.The other
query with IS NULL condtion.Then i did union.I got the
expected result.But I want a query better than this.

I have used iif() function like this.

iif(emp.deptno IS NULL, 'NULL' ,dept.desc) AS Description.
But it is not giving the NULL value record.

So please help me to solve this problem.



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