That is the only version I don't have currently installed (since W97). I
think the change is in Word 2003 but it might have been in Word 2002.
Solution for Version 2003 (and possibly 2002-XP):
Select that part of the paragraph that you do not want in the TOC and apply
a non-heading paragraph style, such as body text, to it. If this works, your
style box will show the applied style "Body Text." If it does not, it will
show "Body Text char." If it does not work in Word 2002 press Ctrl-Z to undo
the application of the style and use the following (more complex) solution:
Solution for Word 97 and later:
The table of contents gets its listings from paragraph styles. By
definition, a paragraph style applies to an entire paragraph. Normally a
Word paragraph and a logical paragraph are the same things. You can,
however, convince Word that a logical paragraph is made up of two Word
paragraphs. If you do this, you can have the first Word paragraph in the
heading style that will go to the TOC while the second Word paragraph is in
a different paragraph style that is not picked up.
You will need paragraph marks displayed for this to work.
You do this by first dividing what you want into the two separate
paragraphs. The style for the second paragraph should be a body text style
or something other than a heading style. Put a space at the end of the first
paragraph. Then select the paragraph mark at the end of that first paragraph
(the heading paragraph).
Format => Font => Hidden
You want to mark that paragraph mark as hidden text. Click on OK to close
the dialog box.
When you print, the two paragraphs will be combined into the one logical
paragraph. However, only the Heading word paragraph will be included in the
TOC. Hope this helps.
Charles Kenyon
See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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