TOC, long doc, return to TOC entry?




Word 2002, XP Pro, SP2
I'm in the "cleanup" phases of a long document, about 450 pages. At the
moment I'm comparing the structures of the Outline, tox and body layouts.
Seems like no matter how hard one tries, the original "plan" is never good
enough <g>.
As a result, I'm often using the toc to jump to a particular section (4
levels used). But to get back to the toc, I can only find -Top of Page- to
be able to jump to. And, the toc is about 6 pager long though it'll be
shorter inthe final product.
I can't put bookarks in the toc of course, because they'll disappear
when it's refreshed.
I've tried pusing the toc down a line on each page and putting bookmarks
on that line, the refreshing the toc also removes those.

Is there a reasonable way to jump from within the body to a particular point
in the toc? e.g. if I'm at the "widget" section and want to jump to the toc
where "widget" appears how do I do that?

I see a lot of possibilities for other things in the menues for linking, but
nothign that lets me do this. Unless I'm missing something, anyway, which
wouldn't be all that unusual.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

In Word 2002, you can add the Go to TOC button to a toolbar (Tools |
Customize | Commands: All Commands: GoToTableOfContents). This works pretty
well for short TOCs. For your long one, a better solution might be the Back
button from the Web toolbar; the shortcut for which is Alt+Left Arrow.


Huh! Very useful! Thank you.


In Word 2002, you can add the Go to TOC button to a toolbar (Tools |
Customize | Commands: All Commands: GoToTableOfContents). This works
pretty well for short TOCs. For your long one, a better solution
might be the Back button from the Web toolbar; the shortcut for which
is Alt+Left Arrow.

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