today + 30 days


Karl E. Peterson

Petar said:
I need MS Word macro that shows date: today + 30 days. Is it hard to

About as simple as they come...

Public Function NowPlus30() As Date
NowPlus30 = Now + 30
End Function

If you don't want it *exactly* +30, but just want the date, you can modify it like:

Public Function TodayPlus30() As Date
TodayPlus30 = DateValue(Now + 30)
End Function

Later... Karl

George Nicholson

Selection.TypeText Text:=Format(DateAdd("d", 30, Now()), "mmmm dd, yyyy")

The DateAdd function adds 30 days to today
The Format function handles how the resulting date/time value is displayed.


Petar Popara

Thank you all.

Is there a way to put macro in the middle of Word text and then just to open
Word doc, run macro once and it will enter new date in 5 locations in my

Jef Gorbach

havent looked, but suspect you could adapting the previous answers as an
insert fieldcode in each location??

Petar Popara

What does it mean "insert fieldcode"? How can i do that? Where in the menu
is it?

Thank you very much.

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