Today's Date


Bill Dobie

I have an Input Form where the date may be provided on an earlier
order but sometimes it is a new customer who has never ordered
anything as yet. In that case this is the frst mention of the Customer
and the date should always be today's date. How do I specify that?

Sweet Old Bill



The built-in function 'Now()' will retrieve the current date and time

I'm gathering that the date field is a textbox, so in this case you can set the default value property to '= Now()' and each time a new record is created, the current date will be displayed as the default. This value can still be overwritten on the form if required (it's only a default value)

Hope this helps

----- Bill Dobie wrote: ----

I have an Input Form where the date may be provided on an earlie
order but sometimes it is a new customer who has never ordere
anything as yet. In that case this is the frst mention of the Custome
and the date should always be today's date. How do I specify that

Sweet Old Bil

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