For all of the following discussion, let's say the 5 numbers to toggle
between in the listed order are these... 5, 123, 73, 10, 9 and the toggle
variable is named V (where V is assumed to be initialized to one of the
variables in the list).
1. If..Then blocking is not really that bad to implement...
If V = 5 Then
V = 123
ElseIf V = 123 Then
V = 73
ElseIf V = 73 Then
V = 10
ElseIf V = 10 Then
V = 9
ElseIf V = 9 Then
V = 5
End If
2. Select..Case blocking can be made more compact...
Select Case V
Case 5: V = 123
Case 123: V = 73
Case 73: V = 10
Case 10: V = 9
Case 9: V = 5
End Select
3. Bernd's array method is also a feasible way to go...
' These statements go in the module's (General)(Declarations) section
Option Base 0
Dim Arr As Variant
Static Index As Long
' These statements go in your toggle subroutine
Arr = Array(5, 123, 73, 10, 9)
Index = (Index + 1) Mod UBound(Arr)
V = Arr(Index)
4. A one-liner method involves setting up a string with all the numbers
expanded to the same number of digits as the longest number in the
toggle sequence (using leading zeroes) with any non-digit character
between them (if that number has a decimal point in it, consider it
as a digit). So, for our example, this is how to set it up so the
toggle subroutine is a one-liner...
' Declare V as a Long or Double depending on what the actual values
' are and put it in the module's (General)(Declarations) section
Dim V As Long
' Initialize a toggle sequence constant named TS for this example
' in the code module's (General)(Declarations) section; note that
' the first number is repeated at the end.
Const TS As String = "005,123,073,010,009,005"
' This one-liner statement goes in your toggle subroutine
V = Mid(TS, InStr(TS, Format(V, "000")) + 4, 3)
The value being added (4 in this case) is one greater than the
number of digits in the largest toggle sequence value (123 has
3 digits, so we add 4... the extra 1 is so we will skip over the
non-digit delimiter (a comma in my example), the 3 (number of
characters returned from the Mid function call) is equal to the
number of digits in the largest toggle sequence value.
Rick (MVP - Excel)
Robert Crandal said:
Hi Rick. I usually do my programming with C++ or Intel
assembly language, which I know have bit flipping operators.
I was just curious if VBA had something similar.
However, your solution is very interesting because it can
be generalized. However, if I wanted to toggle between
5 different values, it would involve a "little extra work"
of the if-then statements right?? In cases like that, would
it be better to use a "select-case" statement??
BTW, I always appreciate your expert advice. thank you!