toggle field codes and corrupt document



Arvo everyone, my windows doc (Office 2003) displays my Table of
Contents as this {TOC \o "1-3"} and not the actual headings and page
numbers etc; displays the complete field codes for my Endnote (version
9) citations when it should be like this (Loh & Coghlan 2003) and the
page formating in my header and footer displays the field coding and
not the numbers. My styles for my headings have not been affected (why
not?). I can easily toggle between the two display formats (i.e I can
see all the field codes or the final product) and the information is
correct in both formats. However, when I save the field codes to be
displayed how I want e.g. (Loh & Coghlan 2003), close it and then open
the doc again, the TOC, Endnote etc have reverted back to displaying
their codes in all their glory. Plus if I make more than a couple of
edits to the doc (text and citations), it hangs so I have to shut down
and lose that data.

This started yesterday on a doc that I have been using for many months
now. It is approx 430Kb and only 2 pictures in it (so not big). I
suspect it has something to do with Endnote as it all went pear shaped
after I clicked the back button in my word doc too many times when I
accidentally deleted an Endnote citation. I know! Shouldn't have done
that as I think I may have created a formatting issue inside the
endnote styles by deleting a link or line or whatever should be

The situation now is that word still hangs even when I haven't opened
Endnote or inserted a citation, and am assuming the doc is corrupt. I
have "saved" and "saved as" a couple of copies in various ways. Even
saved my text in notepad (which supposedly has the best chance on
stopping the corrupt document from being passed on) then saved it as a
word doc, but the issues were still there! I have used older pre-
corrupt versions of the doc and of the Endnote library and the problem
is still there. I've opened the doc on other computers and didn't have
any probs with displaying the field codes properly (i.e. the codes are
hidden and the final product displayed). So it's obviously only on my
computer. Haven't had a chance to insert or delete any Endnote
citations on the other computers so don't know if that would cause

T'is a long request, but it's all the info I have. If anyone could
help me that would be great as my PhD assessment was due today and I
can't edit and update my doc until this is fixed. Murphy's Law is back
with a vengeance! I have talked to everyone who can help and scoured
the internet, but thought you guys might be able to offer an idea or
two. Thanks for your help. Nicole

Stefan Blom

Alt+F9 should work to hide the field codes permanently. If field codes
are also printing, clear the option on the Print tab of Tools | Options.

You may also want to ask in a forum intended for Endnote, assuming there
is one.

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