To try to illustrate again what is happening:
With hidden text visible, this is what I see:
A. First line of next paragraph text.
B. First line of second paragraph text.
What I expected to see when hidden text was turned off is:
A. First line of next paragraph text.
B. First line of second paragraph text.
What actually happened was:
1. GENERAL APPLICATION First line of next paragraph text.
B. First line of second paragraph text.
If I select all the text on the page except the one paragraph, the hidden
attribute box is clear. If I select the one paragraph, the hidden attribute
is checked.
This behaviour occurs in more than one location in the document.
I just selected the whole page and cleared the hidden attribute, then
reapplied it to the one paragraph. Now that page displays as expected. The
other occurances are still messed up and still show only the one paragraph as
being hidden.
It looks to me like the document is corrupted. I guess I'll have to reformat
the whole thing.
Having done that on a copy, the first problem is resolved, but I now get the
With hidden text visible:
(This occurs part way down a page.)
4. Sequence of Finish Installation: Construction scheduling/sequencing
requirements and procedures necessary to optimize Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
levels for the completed Project are specified in Section SD 01 35 13.14
Sequence of Finish Installation.
C. Waste Management: It has been established that this Project shall
minimize the creation of construction and demolition waste on the job site,
as specified in Division 1 “Section SD 01 74 19 Construction Waste Management
and Disposal†Section.
With hidden text turned off:
4. Sequence of Finish Installation: Construction scheduling/sequencing
requirements and procedures necessary to optimize Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
levels for the completed Project are specified in Section SD 01 35 13.14
Sequence of Finish Installation.
C. Waste Management: It has been established that this Project shall
(The to of the page is here now because the hidden text is off.)
4. Sequence of Finish Installation: Construction scheduling/sequencing
requirements and procedures necessary to optimize Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
levels for the completed Project are specified in Section SD 01 35 13.14
Sequence of Finish Installation.
C. Waste Management: It has been established that this Project shall
minimize the creation of construction and demolition waste on the job site,
as specified in Division 1 “Section SD 01 74 19 Construction Waste Management
and Disposal†Section.
The same duplication shows up after scrolling up and down the document, and
shows up in print preview. If I try to select something in the first
occurance of paragraph C, the cursor appears in the second occurance. It does
however print correctly.
Ask me why I find Word frustrating.
Thanks to both of you for trying.