I read Tony Trowes comment (with which I agree) and was wondering about
copywrite (or copyright?).
So, here is a formula that I came up with this morning.
= [SomeOtherField] I know, it's impressive.
Do I own the copywrite on this formula?
OK I know this is daft example but some (all) of the codes and answers that
are posted in this forum take quite a while to work out and are slightly more
I have been informed that copyright can be awarded or taken "if" the
intellectual design (in this case my wonderful formula) is a "first thought"
and specific enough to differentiate between it and other "thoughts". This
means that if you answer a question that has been answered by others and your
answer is the same (to a greater degree) you do "not" own the copyright but
if you are the first answer - or - your answer is different to a greater
degree than other answers you "do" own the copyright.
The answers given in this (and other) forum are given freely and are in
answer to a specific question, so they are in the public domain.
But (again)
If an individual or corporate body copies your "first thought" and uses it
as a "hook" to get people to visit a site with advertising then you may be
entitled to a percentage of the advertising revenue as it could be argued
that without your input the revenue would not have been earned.
Is it worth me contacting Google and asking for a payment
Just a thought.
I read Tony Trowes comment (with which I agree) and was wondering about
copywrite (or copyright?).
So, here is a formula that I came up with this morning.
= [SomeOtherField] I know, it's impressive.
Do I own the copywrite on this formula?
OK I know this is daft example but some (all) of the codes and answers that
are posted in this forum take quite a while to work out and are slightly more
I have been informed that copyright can be awarded or taken "if" the
intellectual design (in this case my wonderful formula) is a "first thought"
and specific enough to differentiate between it and other "thoughts". This
means that if you answer a question that has been answered by others and your
answer is the same (to a greater degree) you do "not" own the copyright but
if you are the first answer - or - your answer is different to a greater
degree than other answers you "do" own the copyright.
The answers given in this (and other) forum are given freely and are in
answer to a specific question, so they are in the public domain.
But (again)
If an individual or corporate body copies your "first thought" and uses it
as a "hook" to get people to visit a site with advertising then you may be
entitled to a percentage of the advertising revenue as it could be argued
that without your input the revenue would not have been earned.
Is it worth me contacting Google and asking for a payment
Just a thought.