Too Few Parameters....again



I know this have been visited. I've read all of the posts but to no avail.
Here's my SQL
SELECT "CID" & "-" & [tblbriefs].[id] & "-" & Right([tblbriefs].[orderno],6)
AS CID, tblBriefs.OrderNo, tblBriefs.[Business Name], tblBriefs.ShipToFName,
tblBriefs.ShipToLName, tblBriefs.ShipToPrefix, tblBriefs.ShipToStr1,
tblBriefs.ShipToStr2, tblBriefs.ShipToCty, tblBriefs.ShipToSt,
tblBriefs.ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS zipfive,,
tblBriefs.ShipToCntry, tblBriefs.StampDate, tblBriefs.Phone
FROM tblBriefs
WHERE (([tblBriefs].[StampDate])=[Enter Specific Date]);

when I try to save to TXT, "too few parameters. expected 1.

I even tried the transfer text macro suggested by Michael Walsh. It doesn't
work either. Currently, I have to export to Excel, then save the Excel file
to a .txt file in order to use it the way I need to use the data.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. XP, MS Office Professional
2007, ACCESS 2007

Duane Hookom

Did you try remove the parameter prompt and replace it with a hard-coded
date? If that works, try use a reference to a control on a form. If that
doesn't work, I would use a little DAO code to change the SQL of a saved
query and then export based on the saved query.


I'll give it a try and thanks for your prompt response...
however, could you further explain "I would use a little DAO code to change
the SQL of a saved query and then export based on the saved query."


Duane Hookom said:
Did you try remove the parameter prompt and replace it with a hard-coded
date? If that works, try use a reference to a control on a form. If that
doesn't work, I would use a little DAO code to change the SQL of a saved
query and then export based on the saved query.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

BriefTales said:
I know this have been visited. I've read all of the posts but to no avail.
Here's my SQL
SELECT "CID" & "-" & [tblbriefs].[id] & "-" & Right([tblbriefs].[orderno],6)
AS CID, tblBriefs.OrderNo, tblBriefs.[Business Name], tblBriefs.ShipToFName,
tblBriefs.ShipToLName, tblBriefs.ShipToPrefix, tblBriefs.ShipToStr1,
tblBriefs.ShipToStr2, tblBriefs.ShipToCty, tblBriefs.ShipToSt,
tblBriefs.ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS zipfive,,
tblBriefs.ShipToCntry, tblBriefs.StampDate, tblBriefs.Phone
FROM tblBriefs
WHERE (([tblBriefs].[StampDate])=[Enter Specific Date]);

when I try to save to TXT, "too few parameters. expected 1.

I even tried the transfer text macro suggested by Michael Walsh. It doesn't
work either. Currently, I have to export to Excel, then save the Excel file
to a .txt file in order to use it the way I need to use the data.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. XP, MS Office Professional
2007, ACCESS 2007

Duane Hookom

Assuming you have a control on your current form to collect the date value.
Also the saved query name is "qselBriefs"
Dim strSQL as String
strSQL = "SELECT 'CID-' & [id] & '-' & Right([orderno],6) AS CID, OrderNo, "
& _
"[Business Name], ShipToFName, ShipToLName, ShipToPrefix, ShipToStr1, " & _
"ShipToStr2, ShipToCty, ShipToSt, ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS
zipfive, " & _ "email, ShipToCntry, StampDate, Phone " & _
"FROM tblBriefs " & _
"WHERE [StampDate]=#" & Me.txtDate & "#"
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qselBriefs").SQL = strSQL
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

BriefTales said:
I'll give it a try and thanks for your prompt response...
however, could you further explain "I would use a little DAO code to change
the SQL of a saved query and then export based on the saved query."


Duane Hookom said:
Did you try remove the parameter prompt and replace it with a hard-coded
date? If that works, try use a reference to a control on a form. If that
doesn't work, I would use a little DAO code to change the SQL of a saved
query and then export based on the saved query.
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

BriefTales said:
I know this have been visited. I've read all of the posts but to no avail.
Here's my SQL
SELECT "CID" & "-" & [tblbriefs].[id] & "-" & Right([tblbriefs].[orderno],6)
AS CID, tblBriefs.OrderNo, tblBriefs.[Business Name], tblBriefs.ShipToFName,
tblBriefs.ShipToLName, tblBriefs.ShipToPrefix, tblBriefs.ShipToStr1,
tblBriefs.ShipToStr2, tblBriefs.ShipToCty, tblBriefs.ShipToSt,
tblBriefs.ShipToZip, Left([shiptozip],5) AS zipfive,,
tblBriefs.ShipToCntry, tblBriefs.StampDate, tblBriefs.Phone
FROM tblBriefs
WHERE (([tblBriefs].[StampDate])=[Enter Specific Date]);

when I try to save to TXT, "too few parameters. expected 1.

I even tried the transfer text macro suggested by Michael Walsh. It doesn't
work either. Currently, I have to export to Excel, then save the Excel file
to a .txt file in order to use it the way I need to use the data.

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. XP, MS Office Professional
2007, ACCESS 2007

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