too few parameters



CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO BillingActivity ([Conferenc
ID],CCtype,Ccnumber,CCExpDate,CCName,CCBillAddress)Select [Conferenc
ID],[type of credit card],[credit card number],[expiration date],[nam
on credit card],[credit card billing address] FROM ExcelDataTable WHER
(Participant.[Conference ID])= (ExcelDataTable.[Conference id])AN
(Participant.PLastname) = (ExcelDataTable.Lastname) AN
(Participant.PFirstname) = (ExcelDataTable.Firstname) AN
(Participant.PEmailAddress) = (ExcelDataTable.Email)"

I am receiving error 3061-too few parameters...; I have checked an
rechecked the spelling and the number of my fields and can not locat
the error. Can someone help?


Van T. Dinh

The SQL String has lots of references to the Fields of Table [Participant]
but this Table is not accessed by the FROM clause of your SQL.

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