Too many bugs in A2002's TabControl... :-(


Vladimír Cvajniga

TabControl problem #1:

I need to add a tab control (tabSub) to an existing tab control (tabMain):

1) I create tabMain with several tabs.
2) I choose one of the tabMain's tabs (page), say tab1.
3) I try to add a "subTabControl". When I select TabControl from a toolbar
there's no highlighted area to add a TabControl on tab1.

End user solution: Set tabSub.Visible property according to tabMain.Value.
Programmer's solution for design mode: not found. :-( :-( :-( See problem
TabControl problem #2:

"Send to Back" and Can't set "Bring to Front" don't work correctly with
A2002 TabControl.
TabControl problem #3:

This is to resolve problem #1... but I can't make it work.

1) I place tab1 below tabMain. (it's BELOW... not BEHIND). tabSub.Left = 0,
tabSub.Top = 8500
2) In Form_Open I try to re-position tabSub (there are a few controls on
tabSub pages):
With tabSub
.Left = 100
.Top = 20
End With

This code doesn't work correctly due to existing controls on tabSub. Top &
Left properties are set correctly but Height & Width are not handled well.
TabControl simlpy doesn't work as a container...
Did anybody test Access 2002 before it was on the stock??? I just can't
believe there are so many bugs in one control. :-(

Will there be another Service Pack available soon? Or are there any A2002
TabControl-bugs workarounds?



Vladimír Cvajniga

Thx for your respond, George.
Subform could resolve nesting problem... but in huge projects it is
necessary to cut down the amount of "class module" objects due to MS Access


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