too many containers in single note


Robert C.

Is there any way to minimize or eliminate multiple
containers on a note page. When I handwrite a note, ON
makes multiple containers during a single session, as when
I am sporadically taking notes during a phone
conversation. When I try to clean up or rearrange the
notes, I wind up grabbing bits and pieces rather than the
whole note.

I would like ON to function more like the journal
program where notes are free form. In that program, when
you select an area, you get everything that is higlighted
rather than just a segment that has been parsed as by ON.

Also, sometimes the current handwriting gets overlayed
on top of previous notes or there is a mirrored note
written below the place where I am writting. Since this
overwriting is sometimes on previous notes that are off
screen, I don't realize it is happening until I scroll up
and find my previous notes are totally screwed up.
Cleaning this up is next to impossible.



I agree. I love ON - - e x c e p t for this &^#$#*& "feature." What gets
me the most is that sometimes when I select "Insert Extra Writing Space"
parts of the handwritten text (from my Tablet PC) gets moved down, but parts
do not. This results in that most of the notes below the inserted space get
messed up. VERY frustrating. I wish it was possible to select a bunch of
notes, and then have everything assigned to a single text container etc.

and the inability to insert hyperlinks (cross references) between

Robert C.

As far as I am concerned, if I don't find a simple fix
or work around for this problem, ON is going to be little
more than an icon on my desktop. I need something that
allows me to take notes in a free form format where all
the notes are grouped by page rather than having dozens of
little shaded sections. I can't be wrestling with the
program while I am taking notes during a telephone
I have tried using sticky notes for the input and then
cut and past to ON. The problem there is that the note
pages are relatively small and often require several notes
per message.
I am favorably impressed with gobinder which I am using
on a trial basis. The only downside is that the program
is designed for students, so I will have to reorganize the
tab and section labels to suit my usage. If all goes
well, once I get it set up the way I want to, gobinder may
be my notebook of choice.

-Original Message-----


Since there was no help offered I assume no one has any
way around these 2 problems? I have both your problems
Robert and Gerry and they are extremely frustrating.

I don't know how they expect this to be a useful note
taking program if you can rearrange the notes adequately.
That problem Gerry mentioned (inserting extra writing
space in the middle of your document and having only a
portion of the text move down) drives me batty! What good
is it if it doesn't move all the text? I don't think
anyone would want to use that function to only move a
section of their text. If that where the case they would
just drag the container to where they wanted it.

All we need is some sort of group/ungroup function so we
can drag whole sections of text at a time.

If anyone has any ideas on how this can be achieved please
let me know.

Robert C.

Well,at least I know I am not the only one who has
experienced this difficulty. So far I don't have too many
notes in ON so I am going to simply type up the notes I
want to keep or copy them over to Journal.
This problem is more than just frustrating for me, its a
deal breaker. I need to be able to rely upon the program
and ON is not reliable.


i had the same problems. i end up converting everything to
drawing (Edit--> Select --> All, then Tools --> Treat
Selected Ink As --> Drawing). Then, i can select
individual strokes as i wish. I also change the default
pen mode to drawing only (Tools --> Pen Mode --> Drawing
Only) so that future notes are automatically in that
format. i hope this helps. i'll try out GoBinder and see
how that goes...

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