I found somewhere on the web that the maximum number of
controls allowed in one form is 754 "over the lifetime of
the form" (not sure what this means)
Since my application uses more than 754 controls, and I
would like to keep a single form for data entry, what is
the best way to do this?
For example, would it be possible to include 754 subform
control in the main form and therefore trick the form to
contain 754*754 controls ?
all suggestions are welcome
controls allowed in one form is 754 "over the lifetime of
the form" (not sure what this means)
Since my application uses more than 754 controls, and I
would like to keep a single form for data entry, what is
the best way to do this?
For example, would it be possible to include 754 subform
control in the main form and therefore trick the form to
contain 754*754 controls ?
all suggestions are welcome