Too many fields defined exporting to existing Excel workbook


Phil Smith

I have been running into a spate of these, and it is really begining to
tick me off.

In this case, I have a query which runs quite well thank you very much,
producing 14 coloums.

However, when I use TRANSFERSPREADSHEET from a macro, into an existing
spreadsheet, it fails with the error, "Too many fields defined." It
works when I use that command and no worksheet of that name exists, but
this is not what I want. There is a seperate worksheet that has a an
explanatory Key for the contents of that I am transferring, and a macro
which formats the coloums of the resulting transfer upon opening.

I have had several Macro's suddenly stop working with the same error,
now I am going to go back and see if it is only occurring when the
Workbook is prexisting.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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