I created a very simply shipping report that Groups by customer_no; Now I
need to create a parameter that allows selecting shipments for a paticular
I created a Query called ShipDate that selects from
Field: ship_date
Table: Shipment
Criteria: [Enter Ship Date]
Query Parameter: StartDate / Date
When I run the report two things happen that I don't know how to fix:
1. The Analyzer states 'Common Report Error', 'Invalid Sorting and
Grouping: Customer_No'
2. When I go ahead and run the report it prompts me for a value for every
database field on the report.
I only want to be prompted for the ship date.
need to create a parameter that allows selecting shipments for a paticular
I created a Query called ShipDate that selects from
Field: ship_date
Table: Shipment
Criteria: [Enter Ship Date]
Query Parameter: StartDate / Date
When I run the report two things happen that I don't know how to fix:
1. The Analyzer states 'Common Report Error', 'Invalid Sorting and
Grouping: Customer_No'
2. When I go ahead and run the report it prompts me for a value for every
database field on the report.
I only want to be prompted for the ship date.