I don't have any ideas to offer. It seems you have painted yourself into a
bit of a corner by trying to simplify things. Consider, even for the
projects where you haven't run into a problem, if each project is
represented by a single task entry in your plan and there is more than one
going on at once, having the same resource on more than one plan doesn't
necessarily mean he's overallocated. For discussion lets say there are 3
projects going on at once, each lasting 2 months. Joe is assigned to all
three. By representing them your way, he is going to show overleeveraged,
triple booked for his time. In fact it could be fine because project A only
needs him the first 2 weeks, project B uses him during week 3, 4, and 5, and
project C uses him the rest of the time. Incorporating the detail task
breakdowns would let you see that but simply showing each project as a
single task won't. Certainly an enterprise level master plan makes a lot of
sense but it requires some cooperation on the part of the fucntional PMs as
well as things you can do on your own (such as getting everyone up to speed
on MS Project and moving the holdouts over from Excel). My best advice is to
bite the bullet and do it by the book - sorry.
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
http://www.mvps.org/project/faqs.htm for the FAQs