Too many rows and columns



I am new to Excel 2003 and having a problem. I have the basics figured out
but cannot seem to reduce the number of columns and rows The columns start at
"A" and go all the way to "IV" and the number of lines seems to be endless.
Is there a way i can adjust the size of a worksheet without having so many
columns and rows, if not how do I get rid of them, they seem to reappear
after i delete them.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me!

Don Guillett

You cannot delete rows/columns (except to clean up the sheet to get rid of
whats in them). You can set a scroll area so that you can't go past the
limits set. Put something like this in the ThisWorkbook module of your
workbook and save the workbook.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Sheets("sheet1").ScrollArea = "$a$1:$C$15"
End Sub

Suresh Sadanandan

Highlight the column headings by clicking on the column headings D for
example and drag right whilst holding the mouse button down, right click and
select hide from the menu that appears. Do the same on the row headings.
A tip is to click the row or column heading and then press and hold the ctrl
key and then the right cursor key, to highlight all columns or rows, then
right click and hide.
To unhide right click again in the hidden header section and select unhide.



You cannot delete the "unwanted" rows/columns but you can
"hide" them.

Select the columns you DON'T want, right-click and select HIDE.

Repeat for the unwanted rows.

(UNHIDE will reverse this process)



You can't delete them, but you can hide them from view. Suppose the
area you need to work in covers 12 columns and 50 rows. Click on the
"M" at the top of the 13th column in order to highlight it, hold down
the <shift> key and press <end> once followed by <right-arrow>, then
release <shift>. This will have highlighted all the columns from M to
IV. Then click Format | Column | Hide.

Now click on the 51 - the row identifier for row 51 - and this will
highlight that row. Again holding the <shift> key down, press <end>
followed by <down-arrow> then release <shift>, and then click Format |
Row | Hide.

CTRL-Home will return you to cell A1. You will now only be able to see
the first 12 columns and the top 50 rows of the sheet - the other area
will appear grey.

Hope this helps.



Thanks to everyone for your replies!
Since I cannot delete the rows and columns is there anyway i can decrease
the size of the file. I am trying to use it as a quote sheet for a web page
and it takes a while to load for some people
Thanks for all your assistance

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