Too many shapes error



I am running visio 2000 and have one page with visio's gantt chart on it.
The gantt chart contains about 40 task with a timelines that span about two
years. When i try to insert a microsoft controle like command button i get
this error: "An error(1441) occurred during the action Insert Control.
Visio cannot insert a new control because this file contains too many shapes,
pages, or masters."

Is there a work around for this problem?


I received the exact same error with Visio 2002, and the way I got around it
was to create a new page, insert the control first, edit it, and then copy
everything from the original page and paste it into the new page. Seemed to
work for me.


Acually I now get error 1, Unexpected end of file when I try to open up my
new version. Hmmm...


One thing i did to get around this was to insert the control using VBA. I
needed to be in design mode for it to work. So i changed to design mode
useing "ThisDocument.Mode" and in "Sub Document_DesignModeEntered(ByVal doc
As IVDocument)" had it insert the control useing
"pagObj.InsertObject("Forms.CommandButton.1", visInsertAsControl)". After it
was inserted i just changed back to run mode. I had to trap a few errors
along the way but it worked.

Now this only worked for the command button.

I think i will try your method integrated with mine. I will get back to u
with the results.

Thanks for your input.
Much appreciated!

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