A couple of years back I created a database for a plant in another state, all
worked well until someone started playing around and causing a few problems.
The IT person at that plant decided to put some security, since then she
hasn't been able to change anything but didn't mention that until after she
had put in her notice. Now that she is gone, the database has fallen back
into my lap for some updates. She said she didn't make any changes to the mdw
files just took all permissions away from everyone. Is there anyway to
reassign permissions. She created only two user names, admin & stupid.
Neither can do anything? What can I do?
worked well until someone started playing around and causing a few problems.
The IT person at that plant decided to put some security, since then she
hasn't been able to change anything but didn't mention that until after she
had put in her notice. Now that she is gone, the database has fallen back
into my lap for some updates. She said she didn't make any changes to the mdw
files just took all permissions away from everyone. Is there anyway to
reassign permissions. She created only two user names, admin & stupid.
Neither can do anything? What can I do?