Nigel said:
Somehow, my Standard toolbar has been moved too far to the left, and
its 'handle' is off the screen, so I can't drag it back. How can I fix
this please?
Toolbars are stored in templates - in this case the Normal template.
Try, with Word closed, renaming Normal (found in the
ocuments:Microsoft User Data folder), then reopening Word. If that
works, as it should, then if you have anything in the old Normal that
you want to save, use the Organizer. Otherwise trash the old Normal file.
If for some reason that doesn't work, type OPT-F11 to enter the Visual
Basic Editor, then type CMD-G to open the Immediate Window. Type or
paste the following lines, ending each with a Return:
CommandBars("Standard").Protection = msoBarNoProtect
CommandBars("Standard").Left = 1
If you want to ensure that the toolbar doesn't inadvertently move again,
type or paste this into the Immediate Window, followed by a Return:
CommandBars("Standard").Protection = msoBarNoMove