Buck said:
I would like to know how I would go about creating a Toolbar button that hyperlinks to a webpage that will open for me. For
example, I am a writer and I often use
www.dictionary.com for assistance with words, thesaurus, etc and rather than have to open
the browser, type in the URL or find it in the address drop-down box, I would sooner simply click an icon in my top toolbar and
lightspeed there instead.
Thank you for all assistance.
Hi M (buck rabbit)
There are two ways you can do this. The easiest way is:
Go to your web page and add it to Favourites. Close the web page. Go
to Word, right click the Toolbar area and choose Customise. Choose the
Commands Tab and click on Web from the list of the left. From the list
on the right, find Favourites and drag and drop it onto your toolbar or
menubar. Close the Customize dialog box. Now click on Favourites and
the web page you added to favourites should be listed.
There is a slightly more sophisticated way of doing this whereby you
just have one button which just goes to the one web site, this is done
using VBA - so here goes:
From Word, Click on tools, Macro, Visual Basic Editor. The VB Editor
will open. On the left you should see Project Explorer, if you cannot
see this click on View and choose Project Explorer. In the Project
Explorer you should be able to see Normal with a plus sign beside it.
Click the plus sign to expand the folder list. If you have recorded a
macro before, you should have a folder called Modules in the list. If
you do not have a folder called Modules, right click Normal and choose
Insert then choose Module.
Once you have your Modules folder double click it to open it. If you
have not recorded a macro before a white space will appear to the
right. If you have recorded macros before, they will be list on the
right hand side. Scroll down until you come to the end. In the white
space type the following Sub GoToMyWebPage(), after you type the two
parenthesis and press enter the words End Sub will also appear. The
macro should look lie the following:
Sub GoToMyWebPage()
Dim objIE As Object
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = True
objIE.navigate "
End Sub
Click on the Save icon, close VB Editor and go back to Word. This
macro will be saved with your Normal.dot.
In Word, right click the toolbar area and choose Customize. Click the
Commands tab and in the list on the left choose macros, from the list
on the right, find the macro called GoToMyWebPage and drag and drop it
onto your toolbar or menu bar. You can change the text by right
clicking the item you just dragged and dropped and changing the text in
the Name box. You can also add an icon picture and set whether you
want the text displayed always or just in Menus. Close the customize
dialog box.
Good luck