Toolbar on report preview (rli)



I can't get it right....
It's a bit long but please bear with me...
(A2003 on XP)
i have a main form (not popup , but modal and maximized) that starts up
automatically via the startup options of the database.
From this main form is called a popup Single Form (modal or not).
On this popup form there is a print preview button with:

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, , Filter

The report itself is popup and modal and it has the Control Box, MinMax
Buttons and Close button properties enabled.

I have replaced the default menu of my application with my own simplified
MyMenu and in the startup options of the database i have:
Menu Bar: MyMenu
Shortcut Menu Bar: (default)
Allow full menus = False
Allow Default Shortcut Menus = True
Allow Built-in Toolbars = False
Allow Toolbar/Menu Changes = False
Use Access special keys = False

The Mymenu is always visible on top of the Access window as it should (it
only contains some special database commands)
So this is what happens when i click the print preview button on the popup
the report pops up in front of all (and it is modal) and no extra menu or
toolbar appear.
A right mouse click on the preview window opens the default shortcut menu to
enable to send to the printer or change page layout.
Okay so far.

Now i would like to have a button dedicated to the print preview window
(menubar docked on the preview window) that allows me to send the preview
directly to the printer wihout having to right click first.

I tried everything,
-> turned all above mentionned database Startup options into True
-> created a customized toolbar or menubar or popup shortcut bar
->pointed the menu bar property or the Toolbar property of the report to the
customized menubar

nothing seems to do it...i can'tget the standard print preview toolbar or
customized toolbar/menubar to come up with the preview window (let alone dock
on on it).

so please help, what am i missing?

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