Toolbar problems


Roger B.

Hi, I am having problems with my toolbars at the top of the screen. When I
open Excel 2002 up sometimes I will find that a toolbar has just shown up
when it had been missing for a few days or sometimes they disappear from the
toolbar. The macros are not lost. This was caused by a repair person! Do
you know of a way for me to find out what icons are missing and see what the
picture was on those icons?

Any help would be really appreciated.



If it's a missing toolbar, look in the list of toolbars and activate what
you are missing.

If it's about standard icons that are missing from a visible toolbar (what
kind of repair persons do you employ?), then you are probably out of luck.
But if you don't miss the function that the icon was associated with, then
you might have too many icons anyway.

If it's about custom icons associated with macros, try to run some of your
previous workbooks. Chances are that the icons are linked to your workbook
and they might appear only in certain workbooks.



Roger B.

Joerg, thanks for your helpful comments. This is looking more like mission
impossible which is what I expected. Ouch!


Hello - I am very upset - I have spent a lot of time (a lot) customizing my
Excel XP sp3 (WindowsXP sp2 - up to date)- New Toolbars with macros and
custom buttons (which take some time to create). Today, like every other
day, I open my finance workbook and was basically devistated - all of my
custom work is gone!! They were there last night when I shut down - All I
did yesterday after recording the day's finances, was to copy many CDs onto
my hard drive d: (I have a split hard drive) in order to combine all onto
DVDs - I did not do anything that would affect my XL XP.

As Roger B. stated, my macros are still there, but not my custom toolbars or
buttons. I tried opening my other workbooks, as Joerg suggested...nothing.

I wonder...I had opened a few worksheets from the old CDs to see what it
was, could this have affected the toolbars? Could this have changed my
personal startup workbook? I had some trouble with my startup sheet a while
ago - but since fixed it and has been working fine until now.

If I can find another startup workbook, do you think that my toolbars and
such would still be there?

Pleas Help - I'm desparate - it would take at least an entire day to
recreate everything.


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