I have a workbook that works under "allmost" FullScreen.
On opening it, or Activate, is "throws out" (hides) all the toolbars
' Dimension a loop variable.
Dim i As Integer
' Loop through the total number of toolbars.
For i = 1 To Application.Toolbars.Count
' Hide each toolbar.
Application.Toolbars(i).Visible = False
' End of loop.
Next i
Only The Menu bar remains.
Now, when Closing (or Deactivate) this workbook I want to restore some
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
works just fine for the Formula and Status bars.
But I can't manage the Standard/Formatting/Drawing bars.
I think the problem is because I work with the Portuguese XP version.
Drawing = "Desenho" / Standard = "Padrao" etc.
But even using these terms doesn't resolve.
And anyway, I want that even with XP in Swahili my workbook can be
Question: Must I use int. ID codes for these bars ??
S.Krol /
I have a workbook that works under "allmost" FullScreen.
On opening it, or Activate, is "throws out" (hides) all the toolbars
' Dimension a loop variable.
Dim i As Integer
' Loop through the total number of toolbars.
For i = 1 To Application.Toolbars.Count
' Hide each toolbar.
Application.Toolbars(i).Visible = False
' End of loop.
Next i
Only The Menu bar remains.
Now, when Closing (or Deactivate) this workbook I want to restore some
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
works just fine for the Formula and Status bars.
But I can't manage the Standard/Formatting/Drawing bars.
I think the problem is because I work with the Portuguese XP version.
Drawing = "Desenho" / Standard = "Padrao" etc.
But even using these terms doesn't resolve.
And anyway, I want that even with XP in Swahili my workbook can be
Question: Must I use int. ID codes for these bars ??
S.Krol /