


I'm using Excel 2002
Does anyone know how to remove the help box from my custom
toolbar (which replaces the worksheet menu bar). Also how
to remove the little down arrow from the right hand side
of my other custom toolbars. If it's with API calls then
does anyone have the code to hand

Many Thanks



Tom Ogilvy

I am not sure what you mean by the help box. (maybe this is a xl2002 thing
again - I am using xl2000)

If you make all the buttons visible, you shouldn't have the dropdown arrow
on a custom toolbar. In any event, for the standard toolbar, I could remove
the dropdown arrow with

Application.CommandBars("Standard").protection = msoBarNoCustomize

That removed it for me. I suspect if all the buttons are not displayed and
you do this, the arrow will probably stay, but it should still remove the
add/remove buttons option which I suspect is what you are after.

I was using xl2000, so maybe they have changed the behavior in xl2002. If
so, try the protection setting for the bar.;en-us;228697
OFF2000: Add or Remove Buttons Unavailable For Custom Toolbar
Tom Ogilvy


I've just installed 2002 and there is a dropdown help box
anchored to the left hand side of the designated worksheet
menu bar (if you replace the standard one it appears in
the one that has replaced it). At the end of every other
toolbar there is now a small down arrow which allows
customisation. This is occurring even though I've set my
toolbars up with the protection setting as you have

I can't see any new ways of blocking this and am wondering
if API's might be the answer?

I know you could always right click and customise
previously anyway, but most users would not find this.
This little dropdown arrow almost encourages users to try

Dave Peterson

Take a look at the .protection property inside help for the commandbar:

Dim cb As CommandBar

On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0

Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="test", temporary:=True)
With cb
.Visible = True
.Protection = msoBarNoChangeVisible
End With

And for the ask a question box:

Application.CommandBars.DisableAskAQuestionDropdown = True

But be careful. This last line won't compile in versions before xl2002 (if you
share the workbook with others.)

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