Francis Hookham
With much help from the microsoft.public.excel.programming group I can now
have a workbook with its own toolbars which will open and close on another
computer where the workbook is being used. In the same way can a Word
document or template, other than Normal include its own Module:
Option Explicit
Sub create_menubar()
End Sub
to run macros included in that document, rather than in Normal.
Although I have plenty of experience of VBA in XL, both in Personal.xls and
in Workbooks, my only experience in Word is within Normal.
Has anyone experience of this?
Francis Hookham
have a workbook with its own toolbars which will open and close on another
computer where the workbook is being used. In the same way can a Word
document or template, other than Normal include its own Module:
Option Explicit
Sub create_menubar()
End Sub
to run macros included in that document, rather than in Normal.
Although I have plenty of experience of VBA in XL, both in Personal.xls and
in Workbooks, my only experience in Word is within Normal.
Has anyone experience of this?
Francis Hookham