Tools, Options ... making them stick!


Sharon M.

Hi all,

I've developed a template that will be distributed far and wide. I have set
up various Tools, Options settings (e.g. show Hidden Text, Print Colors as
black and white on non-color printers, etc.) Is there a way of ensuring these
options "stick" when the template is circulated?

I've tried it on the two other PCs in my office but these are all "hybrids"
of each other. Can I be confident that my template will take these options
with them? I am using Word XP, I suspect most of the recipients will be using
same ... although some may be using Word 2000 (who know, perhaps even Word 97




No, you can't be confident of this. Those are personalised settings,
determined by the end-users' preferences as saved in their respective files. You could put an AutoStart macro in your template to set
these things explicitly; but unless this is a *very* special application, it
would be ill-mannered, and indeed irresponsible, to do that.

If you're merely trying to control how the document looks on screen,
distribute a PDF. But if it's really a template, how the users choose to go
about their editing is not your responsibility.

Charles Kenyon

Seconding Jezebel's remarks about not having your settings imposed
automatically... I would add that you could send along a macro that would
put the settings in place in a document that explains what the macro would
do and gives the user the ability to implement your settings as a matter of
user choice.

You can also make your template so it won't work and will display error
messages if the settings are something other than you need.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Sharon M.

Hi Jezebel and Charles,

Thanks for the info. I'm a very inoffensive person so, yep, I fully agree
with the ill-mannered and irresponsible comment ... :)

Except ... I am trying to make how the users edit their document my
responsibiltiy. My intention is honourable though. Coincidentally it stems
from an earlier (brilliant) solution from Charles concerning using hidden
text in floating text boxes that are intended as help prompts for the
recipients of the template. :)

OK, then. I'll figure out how to be polite and forceful all at the same time!!


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