Top 10 Ranking



I would like to be able to set up an extra tab in my worksheet that gives me
the top 10 performers
I can't use the normal filter sort as not all the cells are the same size
and it all goes out of sync

The sheet where the information is held is layed out as follows
Column A has all the names from A3 down to A220
then there is various other columns with other data until we get to column P
which has totals in it

Column P3 down to P220

What i would like is some sort of caluculation that picks up the name then
the corresphonding amount and then sorts it into the top 10 perfromers

And then enters the information on the seperate tab

Any help would be appreciated


the rank() or large() function would identify the top ten people
then on your new sheet an index match woul dpull the top ten over.


Sorry to be rude but how do i do that?

bj said:
the rank() or large() function would identify the top ten people
then on your new sheet an index match woul dpull the top ten over.

Mike H


Using large with your date liad out like this:-
Col A Col B
Name 1 23
Name 2 56
Name 3 33
Name 4 44
Name 5 11
Name 6 88

Put this formula on your sheet and drag down as far as you want. Change the
ranges as required.




Thanks for the reply
Sorry but I'm quite a novice
The data i want to extract from a tab called "sick history" is in columns A3
down to A220 and then P3 down to P220 and then to auotmatically place it in a
new tab called Top 10 and then sort it in order highest first

Is there away to do this??

Mike H

I assume you mean your names are in A3 to A220 and their absences are in P2
to P220 on the sheet Sick List.

Paste this anywhere on your sheet Top Ten and drag down 10 cells.

=INDEX('Sick History'!A$3:A$220,MATCH(LARGE('Sick
History'!P$3:p$220,ROW(A1)),'Sick History'!P$3:p$220,0))



Using Mike's reply:

=INDEX('Sick history'!A$3:A$220,MATCH(LARGE('Sick
history'P3$1:p$220,ROW(A1)),'Sick history'p$3:p220,0))

Place in "Top 10" and copy down.


Hi Mike,

Your formula falls down if there are two values the same
in the second column. Using your original example
if Name 3 and Name 4 both equal 33, then the
formula will return Name 3 twice and ignore Name 4.


Bob Phillips

Assuming that the names are in A1:A26, score in B1:B26 on sheet 1, add this
to C1 and copy down


Select A1:A10 on sheet 2 and eneter this in the FORMULA BAR


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.
Excel will automatically enclose the formula in braces (curly brackets), do
not try to do this manually.
When editing the formula, it must again be array-entered.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Toppers & Mike
Thanks for you help
Works perfectly, just one last point
I how have the names of the top 10 people is there anyway to have it so it
shows the name in one column and then the score in the next column??

Thanks in advance


Thanks everyone
Now i have the answers in a seperate tab i realised that i have one peice of
information missing

I now have the top ten in order by name and score what i need to add is the
corresponding year which is in Column B3 down to B220
can this be done please

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