Top Five selections based on sum of items meeting criteria


Joe D

I currently have a spreadsheet of ithousands of investment data recods that
each have specific criteria:

Fund- 1,2,3, etc.
Issuer - IBM, Ford, etc
Asset - Common Stock, Bond, etc
Country - USA, China, France,etc
Category - 1,2,3,4, etc
Industry - Auto, Health care, manufacturing
MV - Market Value

On a daily basis I refresh the data with current market price information.

At that point I need to be able to update a report that shows the top five
issuers in each Category (1,2,3,4,etc) by Market Value for each fund. I
currently run a pivot table on the data table and sort descending and then
copy and paste the results into the report. The problem is that I have to do
this approx. 50 times per week and it takes alot of time.

I would like the report to link to the data table and somehow be able to
total the MV of all Category 1's, 2's etc and then list the top 5 in each
category in descending order. I need to do this for each of 3 funds( the
fund (1,2,3) are noted in one of the columns described above.

Category 1
IBM $567,897
Ford $234,152

Category 2
Fiat $545,666
Toyota $332,123


Is this something I can do in excel or do I need something else?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can provide a sample of the data if
that helps.

Ken Wright

Just add another field to your source data that gives you a TRUE / FALSE
result as to whether or not that issuer is in the top 5 for that fund, then
pull that field into the PAGE fields and filter on TRUE.

As an example, assuming the following data is in A2:D30:-

Fund Issuer MV Top5
2 a 4,653 FALSE
3 b 325 FALSE
1 c 3,780 TRUE
2 d 1,381 FALSE
2 e 6,544 TRUE
1 f 1,536 TRUE
... .. .. ..

The last column is generated by a formula such as:-

=C3>=LARGE(IF($A$3:$A$30=A3,$C$3:$C$30),5) array entered using

Pivot that lot, pull Top5 into Page field and filter on True and set Issuer
field to sort Descending based on Sum of MV field.

Assumes you have at least 5 issuers in each fund, but I can always fix it if
you don't

Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

Joe D

Ken, Thanks A follow up qiuestion if you don't mind. In my data records I
might have 10 issuer A's, 5 B's, 25C's, etc that must be summed befroe I can
determine which of the issuers are in the top 5 based on issuer cumulative
MV. Can this still be done?

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