Topics on Electronics



Electronics is the field of manipulating electrical currents and
voltages using passive and active components that are connected
together to create circuits. Electronic circuits range from a simple
load resistor that converts a current to a voltage, to computer
central-processing units (CPUs) that can contain more than a million
transistors. The following indices and documents provide a basic
reference for understanding electronic components, circuits, and


riya said:
Electronics is the field of manipulating electrical currents and
voltages using passive and active components that are connected
together to create circuits. Electronic circuits range from a simple
load resistor that converts a current to a voltage, to computer
central-processing units (CPUs) that can contain more than a million
transistors. The following indices and documents provide a basic
reference for understanding electronic components, circuits, and

Just for your reference, a resister does NOT "convert" current to
voltage, rather it dissipates power according to the formula, P =
I**2xR, where P is power in watts, I is the current in amps, and R is
the resistance in ohms. The voltage drop across a resister is given by
the formula, V = IxR

You might want to read the referenced document more thoroughly yourself.

Project MVP

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