Hi John
Thanks for your answer. Not sure if it will help
though. Let me explain rather what we are trying to do
here. (Perhaps I shouldn't have asked about Overtime
Rate, because I don't think this field is going to help
me anyway)
In the task view the total cost column is giving me
answers for the standard rate x by hours worked in Rands
(we have worked out a cost rate and a charge out rate for
each resource and from that we want to work out %
- Task usage view only shows total cost column (our
standard rate which is our cost rate x by number of hours
- I want to add in another column which will show me
total revenue (our charge out rate x by number of hours
worked) and then;
- I want to add in another column which will show me
Revenue less cost and then;
- I want to add in another column which will show me %
I can do all this using custom fields in the resource
sheet, but I want to see the cost at a task level not at
a resource level.
In the past we have been copying from Task usage sheet
into excel template which has all the formulas in it, but
it seems silly to do it that way when MS Project carrys
these fields and fields can be customised.
I'll go back and try your suggestions though. Please
investigate further for me.
Kind regards
-----Original Message-----
The first question is, why? Why not simply change the
base rate to be
the same as the overtime rate and you're done, the Cost
field will then
give the value you want.
However, what you want to do raises a couple of issues.
A custom field
can be created with the necessary formula so the value
you want is
available on Task views. Although this is relatively
straightforward if
each task has only one resource, things get a little
more complicated
when more than one resource is assigned to a task. If
indeed your file
has just one resource assigned to each task, take a look
at FAQ 37 -
Custom Fields in Tables on the MVP website at:
If more than one resource is assigned to one or more
tasks, my
suggestion is to use a little more advanced form of the
short macro
detailed in the FAQ. Namely, it would be relatively easy
to develop a
macro that took the Overtime Rate for each resource and
apply it as
necessary to each resource assigned to each task. The
value can be put
into a spare field called "Total Cost", or whatever.
Hope this helps.